Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Beginings of Computer Technology in Ancient Greece

A group of scientists from U.K and Greece have uncoded a computer said to be much older than the Divinci code.They have named it Antikythera Mechanism,after the greek island where it was found.
The inscriptions on the Antikythera Mechanism have been deciphered to reveal theories for ancient planetary positions.The mechanism was used to predict and calculate lunar and solar eclipses on the basis of Babylonian arithmetic-progression cycles, according to the team’s report.
The mechanism also calculates lunar positions based on theories by the famous Greek astronomer Hipparchos for deciphering the Moon’s elliptical orbit. The machine’s ability to calculate sophisticated astronomical knowledge of the Moon’s unusual orbit even surprised the scientists.
The Antikythera could be considered the first analog computer.This device is said to be almost 1,000 years ahead of its time.Its remarkable that Greeks were so technologically advanced for their time.

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